Friday, September 08, 2006

1st Posting...

Hi all...
Trying out my blog now...
Cos i just bought my digital cam in Comex last sat... so wanna put my pics here for others to see.. hee..

my camera olympus FE190

On sun, meet up with some of my uni frens for dinner..
Tim, cheese and xinying was there... Xianrong give aeroplane last min..
We had dinner at Waraku(Marina Square) then we went to Chocolate Bar for desserts

Pic taken at Choco Bar

As a newbie with a digital cam... went ard to take pics of whatever can find... Haa

Pic of Sg icon - the merlion...

A stupid pic taken at UOB(Raffles Place)

Thats all for now... Will upload more pics in the future..


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