Thursday, January 25, 2007

Hello from Dubai

Hi all... I am now in Dubai... Going to stay here for a few months to work.. Return date not confirmed yet (company give me a 1 year open ticket)... Lol...

Thanks to wei, ling, yi and yi's bf for sending me off... xie xie...

Pic time...

Group pic 1 (yi's bf is the cameraman.. haa)

Group pic 2

Me and yi's bf

my bedroom in the apartment at Dubai

The living room

The apartment on the outside

This big mall, Mall of the Emirates, is near our apartment. Very convinence to buy stuff since got Carrefour there. But everyday after work very lazy to go out.

This is a famous hotel in Dubai.. But i forget the name liao.. haha.. can see it from our apartment..


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