Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Site Photos

Here are some photos that i took at my project site.

This is the site office, quite big

Taken near the site, looks not bad with the sun behind

Alot of cranes and our workers

This is the spot where our morning exercise is conducted.. yes, i need to walk to the site and do exercise although the rest of the time i will be in the site office only

Alot of cranes and trucks

Basically, there are mostly piles only at our site, the piling sub con just handed the site to us, and we are preparing to do excavation and getting ready to cast our raft foundation

Rows of piles

More piles

Plies that had lean concrete casted over it and water proofing done

A big crane used to hoist a tower crane

This area is the most constructed portion of our project. The raft foundation will be casted in 3 partsfor each tower block. The first part of the raft foundation had been casted as in the front of the pic and at the back workers are tying rebars for the second part of the raft foundation

This is the front part of the raft foundation for one of the tower block, scafold had been ecreted to support formwork for the walls

Rebars and wooden formwork

Closed up on the second part of the raft foundation. Alot of rebars for this raft

This is the metal formwork for our lift corewall

Side view of the lift formwork

I saw this formwork at other site near our project, it is a sliding formwork with 2 platform, 1 for casting and the other for doing patching and repair

Other project, installing rebar cage, very high and seems very dangerous

A building at the opposite of our site

Another building nearby our site

Can see the sea at some locations of our site, so i am at the beach everyday... haa..


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