Saturday, March 10, 2007

Desert Safari

Went to Desert Safari on my friday off day, 2/3/07.. Cost 140 dh wor..

Went together with my colleagues, total 20 ppl.. Besides the ppl in my apartment still got colleagues from other apartments. The meeting point is the other apartment that my colleagues are staying, hence have to take cab there. ard 20-30min journey, cost ard 35 dh..

Below are pics that I took during the cab ride.

The next two are taken on the bus ride to the desert safari, cos the bus not very stable, then only 2 are clear enough to see

After the bus ride, we had to wait in a starting point for the car to keep us up... then the stupid coordinator made a mistake and made us wait for 1 hr plus at the place before the car come and drive us to the desert ride.

Pics taken during the desert ride were not clear as the car is moving too fast... but it was very fun.. like roller coaster like that.

At the mid of the desert ride, they let us down and take pics

The place is just sand and nth else lor.. just endless stretch of sand. can see all the tyre marks on the sand


Some of my colleagues

Pic of a plant I saw in the desert

Next, they drive us to a place to see the sunset.. Not bad, very nice also

Then they drive us to a place for our makan

There is camel ride in front of the place we makan.. so I took the chance to take pic with camel and ride on it..

Me and camel

Me and Kenny on the camel

During the ride

Pic of me in their national costume

This is the last pic of me taken before taking the car back

Still got other pics from my frens' camera but havent got chance to get from them yet.. will upload again when I have them.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Random Pics...

More pics for you ppl to see..

Went to Hard Rock Cafe @ Dubai for makan 1 evening...

At the entrance

Just inside the entrance

Random pic

Random pic

Me posing by the large guitar outside HRC

At the PC yard, they installed a camera house, ard 5-6 storeies high.. I got went up to take some pics of the surrounding.

The camera house

View of the PC yard

View of the PC yard

Random pic

Random pic

Random pic

Random pic

More site pics... but this time is pics of building ard the site

The man made lake just outside the site

Nice view of the tall tall buildings

Building under construction, should be nearly completed

Whole row of buildings, like very posh HDB

The site can also see the Burj Al Arab hotel (finally i know its name)...

The next few pics are taken ard my apartment..

An apartment under construction beside my apartment

Another view, my apartment is the 1 with the big signboard

A nice stand alone house

This is the hotel together with the Mall of Emirates

The Ski Dubai

A hotel near my apartment

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