Sunday, March 04, 2007

Random Pics...

More pics for you ppl to see..

Went to Hard Rock Cafe @ Dubai for makan 1 evening...

At the entrance

Just inside the entrance

Random pic

Random pic

Me posing by the large guitar outside HRC

At the PC yard, they installed a camera house, ard 5-6 storeies high.. I got went up to take some pics of the surrounding.

The camera house

View of the PC yard

View of the PC yard

Random pic

Random pic

Random pic

Random pic

More site pics... but this time is pics of building ard the site

The man made lake just outside the site

Nice view of the tall tall buildings

Building under construction, should be nearly completed

Whole row of buildings, like very posh HDB

The site can also see the Burj Al Arab hotel (finally i know its name)...

The next few pics are taken ard my apartment..

An apartment under construction beside my apartment

Another view, my apartment is the 1 with the big signboard

A nice stand alone house

This is the hotel together with the Mall of Emirates

The Ski Dubai

A hotel near my apartment


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