Tuesday, September 12, 2006

NPCC Mates outing...

Had a secondary school (Mayflower) NPCC gatherings with my dear squad mates, who been through sweat and shit with me for 4 yrs, on last sat, 9 Sep.. Most ppl in our click joined us at either the steamboat at amk or the mj/drinking session at aaron's place..

Firstly, we had dinner at the Haozhoudao porridge steamboat... Some pics:

Ah Binz..

Jamie and Aaron..

The happy man, Mr Lau, who is gg to be a father soon... Congrats dude...

Our porridge steamboat at Haozhoudao..

Hualie, Weibin and Me..

Group picture - (from back left) Weiwen, Weibin, Me, Hualie, Weilin, Huiyi, Aaron, Yongsheng, Yongsheng's gf, Kian Tiong and Jamie...

After dinner, we proceed to aaron's place for our second activity for the night...
Ah tiong left to accompany gf for movies, but ah seng, derrick, anthony, andrew and kuai seng joined us at aaron's place...
The gals went to play mj while the guys went for some drinking session...

4 char bos playing mahjong...

Playing Hard Gay toy... Loser to drink...

Hualie after losing the game for 5 straight times... Decided to stop playing, since only Hualie is drinking... Haha..

Happily drinking 1

Happily drinking 2

Happily drinking 3

Me and Lyn... My face very red after all the drinking... Lyn is known as 'Du Po' as she usually win in mj, therefore I decided to share with her that night... However in the end... we lose after 1 rd... (P.S. Lyn, u owe me 5 bucks for the mj)

Group picture 2 at the mahjong table...

Very concentrated in playing mj...

2 brothers... They are chatting, not arguing... haha..

My one and only 5 folds self pick for the night... In the end after the 2nd rd, I managed to recoup my losses for 1st rd.. Yeah...

Huiyi, looking very sian after losing money... Weibin won but donate his winnings to yi...

Friday, September 08, 2006

Newbie Engineer

For those who do not know... I am an engineer at Shimizu Corporation, going to be my 3 mths in shimz already. http://www.shimz.com.sg/

A big japanese construction company (big 4 in japan), which had quite a few projects now in singapore. But i quite heng to get into the main office / headquarter, instead of going to work in construction sites.

The main office is located at 78 Shenton Way, Lippo Centre. Although it is at shenton way, it is like the last (or first) building in shenton way lor... next to PSA tanjong pagar complex.

But lucky got a number of friends working nearby.. Nearest is Jeremy who is working in Fuji Xerox Tower, then is Tim working in Beca Carter, Anson Centre. Charlotte and Yang Chin are working in DBS building. Chee Seng is working at Bestway.

Below are a few pics of my workstation at lippo centre. Quite messy, cos of alot of drawings, A1-A4 sizes..

Recently, i just came over to M Hotel to our temporary office to work. http://www.millenniumhotels.com/MCIL.nsf/lu_hoteldoc/776$$hotelDescription?opendocument

The environment at M hotel is better ( no superiors mah, haha), the air con is cooler and it does not shut off after office hours.

Below are a few pics of my desk at M Service Centre. Not as messy as at lippo centre.

This is my laptop for now and the time when i go overseas to work... Not going to use it for very long, another 7-8 mths more only. Since i have to leave it at Dubai when i come back.

1st Posting...

Hi all...
Trying out my blog now...
Cos i just bought my digital cam in Comex last sat... so wanna put my pics here for others to see.. hee..

my camera olympus FE190

On sun, meet up with some of my uni frens for dinner..
Tim, cheese and xinying was there... Xianrong give aeroplane last min..
We had dinner at Waraku(Marina Square) then we went to Chocolate Bar for desserts

Pic taken at Choco Bar

As a newbie with a digital cam... went ard to take pics of whatever can find... Haa

Pic of Sg icon - the merlion...

A stupid pic taken at UOB(Raffles Place)

Thats all for now... Will upload more pics in the future..

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